A few things to remember as we rebuild ourselves and our world . . .

Power builds as we replace old, patterned thoughts with new, nourishing ways of thinking. Confidence grows as we experience ourselves for what we truly are. We walk taller and find it easier to speak our truths. As the conditioned voices in our heads have less and less significance, we catch ourselves smiling more often.

Now is the time to use this knowledge and confidence to rebuild the structure of your daily existence. Foundations will be built to support you in ways you never dreamed possible. Knowing that you are a perfect, creative, dynamic being allows you to go forth bravely, trusting your dreams to unfold in their own way.

If you think about the ingredients in your favourite dish and separate them, chances are the thought of eating any one alone isn’t as appetizing as eating the delicious whole. Blending things together is what gives us a rich life. It creates new things and new ideas.
When we are in relationship with others, there is a blending that goes on between us – a space where we overlap. There is a blending when two or more people share a space, be it physical, emotional or spiritual. If there isn’t, then it means there are walls up. Think of the difference between two circles side by side and two circles overlapping.

Let your heart be the master chef. You already are the prep cook that has gathered the ingredients. It’s time to let go now and watch the master perform. A bit of this, a splash of that, let’s throw in a dash of whatever because it makes people smile. Allow your heart to bring forth your inner amazingness. Be prepared to shine.

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and really looked into your own eyes? When was the last time you stopped at the bathroom sink and saw a person that you love looking back at you? Mirrors are an opportunity for you to see your own beauty, but you have to be able to see past what you look like.
When you tell yourself that you’re beautiful, then your beauty will radiate for everyone to see. When you can look yourself in the eye, then you will know who you truly are.

Healing your body comes with taking the attitude that you deserve the very best. Healing comes through cleansing. All of the things we consume that our bodies don’t know what to do with get stored away here and there – in an organ or a joint. Eventually, this stagnant energy causes more severe problems.

Just as we need to cleanse our minds of thoughts that sabotage us, we need to cleanse our bodies of deposits that keep our energy levels down. As our bodies begin to vibrate at a higher frequency, so will our minds, and when we are vibrating at a higher frequency, that has a positive effect on everyone else around us.
Excerpts from Legend that You Are: Recreate the Story of Your Life
by Janet Pearson